Monthly Archives: April 2013

White House Threatens Veto on Cybersecurity Bill

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Email From the Grave: Google Goes From Creepy to Spooky

If you are going to use this service, make sure you notify your 10 trusted contacts when you activate it – you won’t risk scaring them to death, would you?

Rational Arrogance

I’m probably not the only one who finds the search giant’s massive efforts to collect as much personal information about us as possible somewhat creepy. But Google’s new feature called “digital afterlife” that let’s you send emails to friends and family after you are dead is just spooky. Additionally, Google will also send you a text message three months after your funeral to inform you that all your accounts are about to be deleted.

“We hope that this new feature will enable you to plan your digital afterlife.”

Google Public Policy Blog


How would you react if you suddenly got an email from a close friend or family member who died several months ago? If you did not know about Google’s “Inactive Account Manager,” I can imagine it would come as shock. However, the new afterlife account manager is just another example on how technology is changing – not…

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Special Edition: WordPress Under Attack

If you have a WordPress blog, please do take a look at this and then take the fifteen to twenty minutes to implement these recommendations.

Live to Write - Write to Live

lock it downHello, fellow writers and bloggers. Happy Sunday!

Posting a quick missive today to make sure that you are all aware of the current hackfest that is going on with WordPress. We know that many of you have WordPress blogs and we’d hate to see anyone’s site compromised or posts lost.

Here is a great post from Forbes that outlines the top 6 precautions all WordPress users should take:

WordPress Under Attack: How to Avoid the Coming Botnet

Most of these fixes are simple and quick. I’ve been meaning to do many of them (including deleting my default “admin” account and installing a backup plugin as extra insurance even though my hosting company also does backups).

If you have a WordPress blog, please do take a look at this and then take the fifteen to twenty minutes to implement these recommendations.

Better safe than sorry!

Now, back to your regularly scheduled…

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