Tag Archives: Police

Athens Burning: Police And Protesters In Violent Clash

It’s a sad Saturday in Europe as we watch the TV reports showing angry Greek citizens in violent fights with the police. A few blocks away is the political and financial leaders of Europe about to sign a paper that agrees on spending billions of the Unions tax money to bail out the bankrupt nation, reducing the populations welfare and forcing them to work more for less money.

“Anger is only a natural reaction; one of the mind’s ways of reacting to things that it percieved to be wrong. While anger can sometimes lead people to do shocking things,it can also be an instinct to show people that something isn’t right.”


There’s not much need for comments – here’s some of the latest video reports from Greece:

Clashes erupt between police and demonstrators as a ten-thousand strong crowd marches through Athens, protesting against the government’s latest economic reforms.

Police have used tear gas on protesters during a May Day march on the streets of Athens. Tens of thousands gathered in rallies called by trade unions and left-wing parties in protest against government austerity measures. The country’s facing tax increases, pay and pension cuts, as Parliament struggles to solve the debt problem.

Fire bomb hits Greek police man during May Day protest.

Riots In Chile

Perhaps is the most scary thing that the violence is spreading – seemingly contagious just as the debt crisis – from country to country.

This is Chile’s capital Santiago today:

Police use water cannons and tear gas on crowds as May Day rally turns violent.

Immigration Rally In U.S.

Thousands turn out for immigration rallies across the country, including Washington, DC where one Congressman was arrested.

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Filed under International Econnomic Politics, National Economic Politics

Estonia Put Pressure On Journalists

A new draft legislation would allow journalists in Estonia to be incarcerated for up to one year for protecting their sources, Brigitte Alfter writes in blogs.euobserver.com.

“The draft legislation, signed by the Minister, lists over 50 exceptions which oblige journalists to disclose their source to the police.”

Brigitte Alfter

According to Alfter, should the Act be adopted in the given form in the Riigikogu, investigating the mischief of public authorities and public officials would become very complicated for journalists.

“Much easier, obviously, to write about topics which do not entail the looming breach of source protection for the journalist,” Alfter writes.

In the summer 2008, Minister of Justice Rein Lang formed a “working group on media freedom legislation”, which went unnoticed by the public.

The Ministry remained silent as to the group’s duties.

In November 2009, the representative of the Ministry of Justice proclaimed at a seminar of the Estonian Newspaper Association that following the European example, Estonian journalists too would have their right to protect their sources.

Rein Lang evidently states the opposite. The draft legislation, signed by the Minister, lists over 50 exceptions which oblige journalists to disclose their source to the police, the Prosecutor’s Office and the court. Upon failure to do so, one can be punished with a fine that equals up to 500 daily salaries. Or even face a year in jail, which today seems quite unbelievable. But, if this punishment is not intended to be used, why include it in the law?

After 2004, the press hasn’t been requested to disclose their sources in Estonia. It was then that the Tallinn police brought charges against Eesti Päevaleht reporter Sergo Selder in order to find out the name of the waiter who spat on a cutlet.

During the interrogation, Selder had to endure the policeman’s threats, and was also photographed against the mug-shot background like a prisoner. The investigation was concluded when the Prosecutor’s Office stepped in.

If Lang’s draft legislation had been adopted last year, the silence of the Estonian journalists could have entailed their prosecution and conviction. At the moment, The Code of Ethics of the Estonian Press obliges a journalist to protect confidential information sources.

The Estonian Parliament Riigikogu will start the discussions about the new draft legislation most likely in near future.

Source: balticbusinessnews.com

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Filed under International Econnomic Politics, National Economic Politics